Through my 30+ years of training and study in multiple disciplines and arts I have created my signature Chakra Stones Healing and Cleansing set. My set consists of 11 stones and 9 placements. The numbers 11 and 9 are important in helping to create an optimum energetic field for cleansing and detoxifying both the physical body and the energy body. Each stone resonates to a specific vibrational field and interacts with the subtle energies of our chakras and energy system. I will guide practitioners through a simple yet powerful meditation using the stones to release stress and to gently begin bringing the chakra system into balance. (Stones, minerals and crystals have been used for much more than decorations by numerous cultures throughout human history. They are still used for healing, meditation, protection and divination in cultures worldwide today.)
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates as wheel or disc. A chakra is a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The chakras are like spinning spheres of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. Six of these wheels are located in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the middle of the forehead. The seventh is beyond the physical region above the head. Each chakra in your spinal column is believed to influence or even govern bodily functions near its region of the spine.
Eastern based medicines, religions, martial arts and philosophies all recognize the existence of electromagnetic fields throughout the human body. For thousands of years Eastern cultures have incorporated their knowledge of the workings of the energy “centers” or Chakras and the energy "rivers" or Meridians in the human body into health, healing, martial and consciousness expansion practices. Some of the practices that have become popular in West are Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, Aikido, and Meditation. (Use this link to connect with "Free Guided Meditations" - UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.)
Water Crystals after being exposed to words
Water is an essential component for life as we know it. Our bodies are comprised of more than 70% water. Humans can survive only a few days without water yet can survive a month or more without food. Water powers our bodies, from the elasticity of our myofascia (cognitive tissue) to the ability to process thoughts coherently, it literally is our life's blood. The quality of the water we drink will affect the quality of our health and consciousness. Participants will learn how to elevate the vibration of the water they drink and use daily. Use this link for more information on the importance of the vibrational quality of the water we drink.
Participants receive a 55 page e-book with in-depth information regarding all the topics discussed in the workshop.
*Participants may use their personal Chakra Stones set but I recommend getting my signature Chakra Stones set. I developed my set over 20 years of practice and meditation, and I work with each stone personally before including them in my sets.
About Aurora’s Chakra Stones Set Link Write blog post
If you are interested in booking a workshop for your group please use this link for more information. (Add Contact Info Empowerment.WS)
Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.
Instagram: or @ManaKeepers
Aurora's "Speak Your Art Blog Hub" combines posts from seven of her other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings her organizations together and offers her readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location.
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