About this blog

Welcome to Speak Your Art Blog Hub. This blog combines posts from seven of my other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings my organizations together and offers my readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location.

I hope you will find something that inspires you, empowers you or reminds you of the limitless possibilities that dwell within you. Thank you for visiting. I wish you Peace today and everyday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment Basic I Six Week Class Series

 Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment Basic I Six Week Course

The Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment Basic I Six Week Course is a unique women’s self-defense & empowerment program that views the mind, body, emotions and spirit as equally important components to develop for personal growth and physical safety. 

Most of us were never taught how to use our bodies effectively to protect ourselves and/or our loved ones. Many of us think that due to our age, physical limitations or fitness level we can't learn to defend ourselves, but nothing is further from the truth. Regardless of our perceived limitations each one of us has the ability to learn how to be more physically self-reliant, effective and confident. There is an important paradigm shift in consciousness that happens when we realize that we are more powerful, resourceful and resilient than we thought. 

Our program's goal is to help each participant find a deeper level of authenticity, a better understanding of her true power and the genuine confidence that can only come through self-actualization. 

Integration is key. 

What sets this program apart from other "women's self-defense programs" is that we believe that to create lasting and applicable change we must address the whole of the person: mind, emotions, and spirit, not just the body. What sets this program apart from other "women's self-defense  programs" is that we bring connection and practical application to the physical element of personal power. 

This Six Week Class Series addresses the body through learning simple/effective self-defense techniques, sensory and proprioception exercises, as well as some light Pilates and stretches. The mind and emotions are addressed through lecture points, campfire talk, workbook exercises and journal work. The spirit is addressed by the individual, in her own unique way, throughout the course. 

This course is open to persons 18 years and older. Younger students may participate only in conjunction with a parent or guardian over the age of 18 years.  The program accommodates for most fitness levels or physical limitation(s). 

El Show de Mabel Katz - El Poder del Femenino con Aurora Ferrer 

Interview on Spanish television of Aurora Ferrer on the Mabel Katz Show talking about the power of the feminine and how women can use martial arts to further develop self-confidence and independence. Si se puede! Yes we can! 

Course Outline Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment Basic I  

"Who am I and Who do I see?"

Week One: Uncovering our subconscious drives and embracing our underlying personality traits. 


          -Review Course Syllabus, "Campfire" Group

          -Week One Exercise: Myers Briggs Type Personality Test

Week Two: Love and gratitude are the answers, no matter the question; focusing on the positive.


 -Review: Myers Briggs Type Personality Test

          -Week Two Exercise: "Daily Love Test" by Leo Buscaglia

Week Three: Embracing our cracks; finding strength in our flaws.


          -Review: "Daily Love Test" by Leo Buscaglia

          -Week Three Exercise: "The Cracked Pot" 

Week Four: Awakening deeper authenticity; learning to let our light shine.


          -Review: "The Cracked Pot"

          -Week Four Exercise: "Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson

Week Five: Taking control of our personal stories; being the authors of our lives.


          -Review "Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson

          -Week Five Exercise: "Write Your Own Life" by Chicken Soup for the Soul 

Week Six: Putting what we've learned into practice; honoring the power of the feminine. 


          -Review "Write Your Own Life" by Chicken Soup for the Soul 

          -Week Six Exercise: "Action Plan" by Aurora Ferrer

          -Graduation Tea, Board Break (optional) and Completion Certificates 

Course Materials: Provided on first day of classes

Class Take-Home Materials:

  ~ Empowerment Basic 1 Workbook

  ~ Basic Self-Defense Techniques and Skills

  ~ 6 Week Home Campfire Exercises

  ~ Lecture Points & Notes

  ~ Empowering Quotes

  ~ Empowerment Journal

In-Class Materials:

  ~ Kicking Shields

  ~ Hand Boxing Mitts

  ~ Focus Paddles

  ~ Wood Board

About Aurora Link

If you are interested in booking this class series for your group please use this link for more information. Empowerment.WS

Thank you for honoring the feminine and thank you for visiting. Wishing you peace.

You can find more information about Aurora Ferrer and Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment at:http://www.empowerment.ws/

Facebook Page: Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment: https://www.facebook.com/EmpowermentWS?ref=hl

Poetry Musings Blog: http://speakyourart.blogspot.com


Vision Book Workshop

Vision Book Workshop

Helping our dreams become our reality...


Aurora’s Vision Book Workshop focuses on sharing age old wisdom forgotten by many in our modern age. This workshop is designed to help each participant gain a deeper understanding of the subconscious mind and it’s (subconscious) effects in our physical reality. Students will learn fun, simple and practical applications to work with their subconscious minds. By using this new understanding students will create a personal vision book to use as a tool and a guide in manifesting their dreams and uncovering their talents.

This workshop is open to the general public and all are welcomed but we highly encourage artists and idealists to attend. These techniques and lessons are especially helpful to those that work through inspiration. Participants develop easy and enjoyable ways to feed their inner muse daily.

The Inner-child and Our Body
For thousands of years great spiritual cultures understood the importance of our connection and communication with the subconscious mind. This knowledge and understanding was passed down through verbal history. Most of those practices have been forgotten but some have survived. The ancient Hawaiians used some of these practices to harvest Mana (Divine Life Force Energy). They used Mana not only to enrich their bodies and spirits but as a sacred breath to feed their dreams and bring them into reality. The Australian Aboriginal cultures used Dream Time as a way to communicate with the heavens. Through understanding the meanings of their dreams they were able to predict and avoid dangers as well as bring the dream world into the waking. Tibetan Buddhist monks practice Lucid Dreaming as a way to understand the subconscious mind in multiple realms of reality.

In contemporary society we also have great minds that have taught us the importance of the subconscious mind in how we live and perceive our realities. Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Carl Jung spoke of the subconscious mind’s power to manifest in our daily lives. Albert Einstein said “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking” and “Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” The imagination is a product of our subconscious. Joseph Campbell is known for many great things, not the least of which is the philosophy of "Following Your Bliss". By following your bliss you are reflecting the unique talents that lie within. 

"Follow your bliss.

If you do follow your bliss,

you put yourself on a kind of track

that has been there all the while waiting for you,

and the life you ought to be living

is the one you are living.

When you can see that,

you begin to meet people

who are in the field of your bliss,

and they open the doors to you.

I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid,

and doors will open

where you didn't know they were going to be.

If you follow your bliss,

doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else." 

— Joseph Campbell

Our subconscious is the key to getting in touch with our deepest dreams and latent talents. This workshop shares easy and effective tools to re-connect with the inner-child or sub-conscious mind. Through forging a healthy relationship with the subconscious participants are able to co-create their realities and manifest their Divine talents. 

About Aurora Link


If you are interested in booking a workshop for your group please use this link for more information. Empowerment W.S.

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.

Website: http://manakeepers.com

Instagram:http://instagram.com/manakeepers or @ManaKeepers


Blog: http://manakeepers.blogspot.com

Aurora's "Speak Your Art Blog Hub" combines posts from seven of her other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings her organizations together and offers her readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location. 


Chakra Stones Workshop Basics

The Chakra Stones Basics Workshop was developed to educate participants about the seven major chakras in the human body as well as to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the chakras' workings in relation to physical health, emotional well-being and consciousness. Participants will also learn how certain stones, water, color, light and breath can complement mediation and help balance the energy centers of the body to promote vitality of body, mind and spirit.

Through my 30+ years of training and study in multiple disciplines and arts I have created my signature Chakra Stones Healing and Cleansing set. My set consists of 11 stones and 9 placements. The numbers 11 and 9 are important in helping to create an optimum energetic field for cleansing and detoxifying both the physical body and the energy body. Each stone resonates to a specific vibrational field and interacts with the subtle energies of our chakras and energy system. I will guide practitioners through a simple yet powerful meditation using the stones to release stress and to gently begin bringing the chakra system into balance. (Stones, minerals and crystals have been used for much more than decorations by numerous cultures throughout human history. They are still used for healing, meditation, protection and divination in cultures worldwide today.)



Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates as wheel or disc. A chakra is a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The chakras are like spinning spheres of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. Six of these wheels are located in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the middle of the forehead. The seventh is beyond the physical region above the head. Each chakra in your spinal column is believed to influence or even govern bodily functions near its region of the spine. 




Eastern based medicines, religions, martial arts and philosophies all recognize the existence of electromagnetic fields throughout the human body. For thousands of years Eastern cultures have incorporated their knowledge of the workings of the energy “centers” or Chakras and the energy "rivers" or Meridians in the human body into health, healing, martial and consciousness expansion practices. Some of the practices that have become popular in West are Acupressure, Acupuncture, Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, Aikido, and Meditation. (Use this link to connect with "Free Guided Meditations" - UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.)



Water Crystals after being exposed to words

Water is an essential component for life as we know it. Our bodies are comprised of more than 70% water. Humans can survive only a few days without water yet can survive a month or more without food. Water powers our bodies, from the elasticity of our myofascia (cognitive tissue) to the ability to process thoughts coherently, it literally is our life's blood. The quality of the water we drink will affect the quality of our health and consciousness. Participants will learn how to elevate the vibration of the water they drink and use daily. Use this link for more information on the importance of the vibrational quality of the water we drink. 


Participants receive a 55 page e-book with in-depth information regarding all the topics discussed in the workshop.


*Participants may use their personal Chakra Stones set but I recommend getting my signature Chakra Stones set. I developed my set over 20 years of practice and meditation, and I work with each stone personally before including them in my sets.


About Aurora Link


About Aurora’s Chakra Stones Set Link Write blog post


If you are interested in booking a workshop for your group please use this link for more information. (Add Contact Info Empowerment.WS)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.

Website: http://manakeepers.com

Instagram:http://instagram.com/manakeepers or @ManaKeepers


Blog: http://manakeepers.blogspot.com

Aurora's "Speak Your Art Blog Hub" combines posts from seven of her other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings her organizations together and offers her readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location. 


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Happy Holidays from HHMA

In the Flow Studios is excited to share that Hip Hop Martial Arts (HHMA) has released their 2024 holiday line. Whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the winter solstice HHMA has something special for you. 


 Kadante Ferrer established Hip Hop Martial Arts  in 2010 to express and share his love of all things Hip Hop, Martial arts, Music, Movement, Performance, and the fusion of it all. HHMA has grown and evolved from its inception 14 years ago and has become a space for inclusion and inspiration where anyone no matter their; religion, race, gender, orientation or age, will be able to find something that they can appreciate or identify with.


When we asked Kadante where he found his motivation for HHMA’s designs he said “Being that I am multi-racial and multicultural, a great many of HHMA’s designs are inspired by the beautiful practice of multiculturalism. A practice, in my opinion, that enriches every community that embraces it.”

The early days of HHMA were mostly focused on teaching, performing, choreographing and producing concept films. But over time it has grown in scope and in community. Today HHMA still embraces its roots but like a tree it has branched out to include The UrbMonk Philosophy, “An UrbMonk is a being that represents the philosophy of using modern arts and tools to help find harmony in our fast-paced lives. It is the search for a monk-like center in a futuristic world or the process of becoming the eye of the storm in every situation.” HHMA takes its cue from the age of enlightenment, The Tao as well as contemporary philosophers, poets and humanists. 

As a producer, choreographer, designer and content creator, Kadante is committed to sharing the HHMA message with a global audience hoping to not only to inspire others but also to foster a global community that embraces safe, supportive and creative spaces.  Or as Kadante says, “Safe spaces for all faces”. He often says, “when the shadows in our lives feel the darkest, that’s when we need to lean into our light the most”. HHMA’s Illuminate video expresses that sentiment beautifully.


 HHMA and Kadante have been enthusiastic supporters of In the Flow Studios from day one. They have performed at our Arts Open Houses and Fundraisers since 2009 and have worked with us to raise awareness and funds for important causes like women and children survivors of war, animal rescue and conservation, childhood leukemia, International Women’s Day, food-banks and homelessness. Most recently they are collaborating with us to help end domestic violence and child abuse. 


Holiday 2024

We hope you’ll check out the HHMA website & shop and be inspired to follow on your preferred social media so that you too can become part of the HHMA community.

Thank you for visiting. May inspiration overflow throughout all of your creative processes.

Contact Info for In the Flow Studios Arts
"In the Flow Studios is a grassroots organization dedicated to empowering the arts, the artist and important  causes."

Aurora's "Speak Your Art Blog Hub" combines posts from seven of her other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings her organizations together and offers her readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location. 


Women Talking by Miriam Toews Review



The internationally bestselling novel based on real events. Now a major motion picture from writer/director Sarah Polley, starring Rooney Mara, Claire Foy, Jessie Buckley, with Ben Whishaw and Frances McDormand.

“This amazing, sad, shocking, but touching novel, based on a real-life event, could be right out of The Handmaid's Tale.” --Margaret Atwood, on Twitter

"Scorching . . . Women Talking is a wry, freewheeling novel of ideas that touches on the nature of evil, questions of free will, collective responsibility, cultural determinism, and, above all, forgiveness." --New York Times Book Review, Editor's Choice

One evening, eight Mennonite women climb into a hay loft to conduct a secret meeting. For the past two years, each of these women, and more than a hundred other girls in their colony, has been repeatedly violated in the night by demons coming to punish them for their sins. Now that the women have learned they were in fact drugged and attacked by a group of men from their own community, they are determined to protect themselves and their daughters from future harm.


While the men of the colony are off in the city, attempting to raise enough money to bail out the rapists and bring them home, these women―all illiterate, without any knowledge of the world outside their community and unable even to speak the language of the country they live in―have very little time to make a choice: Should they stay in the only world they’ve ever known or should they dare to escape?

Based on real events and told through the “minutes” of the women’s all-female symposium, Toews’s masterful novel uses wry, politically engaged humor to relate this tale of women claiming their own power to decide.

Named a Best Book of the Year By


Excerpts from Amazon and Good Reads


By Aurora Gómez

This story offers readers a raw, authentic, vulnerable yet powerful perspective of women and children facing unimaginable abuse, violence and oppression in their closed  Mennonite community. 

The story  is set in a simple barn with a circle of women of varied ages and perspectives finding a way to transcend their differing opinions and responses to their systemic abuse and find a lasting solution. The dialog is elegant in it's simplicity and the wisdom shared is profound. 

This story is not for children or the faint of heart. The subject matter will be triggering to most  and will certainly elicit strong emotions and opinions. But regardless of wether one agrees with the final decision or not the elegance of thinking and expression are expansive and life-changing.

While this story focuses on extreme scenarios of abuse, gaslighting and oppression it sheds light on the more insidious forms of the same that many of us live with daily without realizing it. 

This was a life-afferming story for me. I found myself changing and growing along with the women in the story. I was inspired by their courage as well as their faith. I recommend this story to mature readers but also caution that this story maybe very triggering to survivors of mental, emotional, physical or sexual abuse. I had to take my time and read in small increments. I would try to stay in touch with my somatic responses as I read. If I noticed I was having a somatic response I would take a break to do breathing and grounding exercises. 

About Miriam Toews

Miriam Toews was born and raised in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada, the second daughter of Mennonite parents and a direct descendant of one of Steinbach's first settlers, Klaas R. Reimer, who arrived in Manitoba in 1874 from the Ukraine. 

Her best-selling novels, which include Fight Night, Women Talking, All My Puny Sorrows, and A Complicated Kindness, have won numerous literary awards: the Governor General's Award for Fiction, the Writers' Trust Engel/Findley Award, and the Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize. She is also a three-time finalist for the Scotiabank Giller Prize. Toews had a leading role in the feature film, Silent Light, written and directed by Carlos Reygadas, and winner of the 2007 Cannes Jury Prize, an experience that informed her fifth novel, Irma Voth. 

Thank you for honoring the feminine and thank you for visiting. Wishing you peace.

You can find more information about Aurora Ferrer and Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment at:http://www.empowerment.ws/


WSLB Vigil Honoring Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention monthWomenShelter of Long Beach (WSLB) and the office of Councilmember Al Austin hosted a special vigil and event in the city of Long Beach on October 19, 2024. The event and vigil provided a safe, empowering and educational space for community members to come together to honor those lives lost and raise awareness and outreach in hopes of preventing future lives lost. 

Council Member Al Austin
The hosts balanced the somber and sobering message of the toll that domestic violence takes on individuals, families and communities with music played by Sugi of Tamotsu Music and Entertainment and with booths of educational materials, outreach and interactive arts and crafts that were welcoming and engaging for people of all ages. 


WSLB had staff throughout the event to offer emotional support to all those present and outreach for those that needed help with current and past domestic violence situations. Esther Ogunrinu, Senior Community Affairs Deputy for the office of Council-member Al Austin was on hand to welcome participants and document the event. 

Many domestic violence survivors feel alone and isolated even from their families. For many, isolation, shame, grief, fear, financial problems, and housing insecurity are all intensified when they feel literally scared for their and their children’s lives and think that no one can help end their nightmare. The list of speakers at the event was inclusive and highlighted that various people and organizations were there to do all they can to not only provide an end to the nightmare of abuse but also to help find safe places to live and to heal. Each speaker brought their unique perspectives and lived experiences as well as understanding, compassion and promoted a feeling of community. The event not only shown a light on domestic violence it also demonstrated that there is a vast network of diverse people and organizations working together and that survivors don’t need to stand alone. 

We want to thank all the speakers that shared their hearts, inspired us, educated us, and reminded us that domestic violence survivors are not alone. We also want to thank all the volunteers and staff that made this event and vigil possible. Their example of compassion, courage, commitment and understanding create stronger bonds for our community and give hope for a better tomorrow for us all. They are the unsung heroes that are present every day for so many in need of safety, protection, education and healing. Thank you all!

Mike Vela, WSLB Board of Directors President

Kent Wallace-Meggs, WSLB Executive Director

Long Beach Councilmember, Al Austin

Long Beach Chief of Police Hebeish

Longwood Neighborhood Association, Connie Espino & Coolidge Neighborhood Association, Pamela West

Gabriela Eddy Community Organizer

Spoken word representative- Aurora G.

SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a safer computer and consider calling 911. The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 / TTY 1-800-787-3224 (se habla español) or the StrongHearts Native Helpline at 1−844-762-8483 (call or text) are available to assist you.

Helpful Links

US National Domestic Violence Hotline (Se habla español)

Safety Tip from National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) DOJ

United Nations – Domestic Violence Information

Health.Mil - Domestic Violence Resources for Military Partners

Thank you for honoring the feminine and thank you for visiting. Wishing you peace.

You can find more information about Aurora and Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment at:http://www.empowerment.ws/