About this blog

Welcome to Speak Your Art Blog Hub. This blog combines posts from seven of my other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings my organizations together and offers my readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location.

I hope you will find something that inspires you, empowers you or reminds you of the limitless possibilities that dwell within you. Thank you for visiting. I wish you Peace today and everyday.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tribute to Keith McNulty: Black Belt, Marine and Hero

The motto of the Marine Corps is Semper Fi, Latin for always faithful, until 1871 it was First to Fight.

My Hero in Green Shorts and Cowboy Boots

He walked into my life

with a smile
and a style
that was all his own.
3 and a half
wearing green short
and cowboy boots
and a smile
that lit up the room.
Even then I knew
that he was special
and would go on
to do great things.
I knew he was an angel
that was hiding
invisible wings.

I watched him grow

from boy to man
as he earned
his first black belt.
I watched him grow
from man to hero
when he traded in
his green shorts
and cowboy boots
for green cammies
and combat boots.

Before he left,

he said to me
“I’m doing this for you.
For all the people that I love
and for my country too”.
I’m doing this because I know
that freedom isn’t free.
I am willing to pay the price
for our country
and our liberty.”

We are 

“The Land of the Free
Because of the Brave”…

Because of The Brave

guardian angles
that traded-in
their green shorts
and cowboy boots
for green cammies
and combat boots.

 “First to Fight”, 

“Always Faithful” ,
“Semper Fi”

By Aurora Ferrer

About the poem: This poem was written for one of my Black Belt that is also a Marine that served and was wounded in action. I met Keith when he was 3 1/2 years old and he captured my heart. He was always first to smile and first to help out so it shouldn't have been a surprise when he decided to join the "First to Fight".

Keith stopped by my martial arts studio before he left for bootcamp. He said to me "ma'am I'm doing this for you, for your family, for my family and for my country". I can't say that I was happy to think that he might be putting himself in harms way but I was moved by his genuine sentiment and selfless attitude.

This poem was inspired by a letter he sent my family and I when he was in boot camp. (I have always teased him about his style choices the day we met, green shorts and cowboy boots.) The line in the letter reads, "Well, I guess I'm trading in my green shorts and cowboy boots for green cammies and combat boots".

A tribute to our Hero

Here is a clip of the live event. You'll see me reading the poem and my husband and son doing a martial arts flow for him. You'll also see us putting leis around his neck to welcome him home with Aloha. (Thank you Ilima Pumphrey of Island Fitness by Ilima for hand making the beautiful Bougainvillea leis and filling them with your Aloha) The gifts we choose for him were an official federal capital building medal of Lady Freedom. She sits atop our U.S. Capital watching over us and reminding us "e pluribus unum" or "out of many, one". He also received a large stone called a Desert Rose. (There is a beautiful legend about the Desert Rose told by the Native Americans of the Southwest. It goes like this, The desert rose was a tangible symbol of love. When a warrior died an honorable death in battle, The Great Spirit would let him come back while the village slept and   leave flowers made out of the desert sand for his loved ones)

We are grateful to our Kadan Martial Arts & PaaMano Eskrima families for coming out to show their support and their gratitude.

It is with humble gratitude that we thank the men and women in uniform. Thank you for your service!

Check out this link to learn more about the event Arts Open House and Ke-ola Rehab Fundraiser.

Thank you for taking the time to visit. Wishing you Inspiration and Peace beyond all understanding.

You can find more information about my Organizations at:
Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment Website http://www.empowerment.ws/home.html
In the Flow Studios Arts & Body Website http://intheflowstudios.com
Mana Keepers & Dewdrops Images Website http://manakeepers.com
I Love Shelter Dogs Blog http://iloveshelterdogs.blogspot.com


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