About this blog

Welcome to Speak Your Art Blog Hub. This blog combines posts from seven of my other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings my organizations together and offers my readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location.

I hope you will find something that inspires you, empowers you or reminds you of the limitless possibilities that dwell within you. Thank you for visiting. I wish you Peace today and everyday.

Welcome to my world of poetry

Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit this page.

I have the honor of being the founder or main contributor to six different blogs, In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Women's Empowerment, Mana Keepers and PaaMano Eskrima. They've afforded me the opportunity to write about things that are deeply important to me and share them with those that are interested.

This is the first time that I'll be sharing my personal poetry, photography and musings as the foundation of a blog. It is a scary prospect to share my art, artistic process, thoughts and inspirations with you. But it is even scarier for me "to die with my music still in me".  ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

I hope you will find something here that speaks to you, inspires you or helps you remember that you're not alone.

If you are concerned with grammar and spelling, stop now and move on. This is not the blog for you. “Writer’s block results from too much head. Cut off your head. Pegasus, poetry, was born of Medusa when her head was cut off. You have to be reckless when writing. Be as crazy as your conscience allows.”
― Joseph Campbell, A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living

I'm a firm believer that we are all born with talents that are uniquely ours. I believe that these talents are gifts meant to be bestowed upon humanity through our individual and collective works. We must all do our part great or small, for each is equally important.

With my blogs, organizations, and businesses I hope to contribute my talents in a small way for the betterment of our human experience.

I wish you creativity, imagination, hope, love and most of all Peace beyond all understanding,



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