About this blog

Welcome to Speak Your Art Blog Hub. This blog combines posts from seven of my other blogs: In the Flow Studios Arts, In the Flow Studios Body, I Love Shelter Dogs, Mana Keepers, PaaMano Eskrima & Performing Arts, Self-Actualization thru Women's Empowerment and Speak Your Art Poetry. It brings my organizations together and offers my readers an easier way to follow new posts in one convenient location.

I hope you will find something that inspires you, empowers you or reminds you of the limitless possibilities that dwell within you. Thank you for visiting. I wish you Peace today and everyday.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Septarian Nodules Quick Reference

Septarian Nodule Highlights:

-Promotes overall health and well being.
-Psychic growth
-Nurtures and grounds
-Chakra: Root Chakra
-Element: Ocean

Septarians formed between 50 to 70 million years ago. As a result of volcanic eruptions, dead sea life was chemically attracted to the sediment around them, forming mud balls. As the ocean receded, the balls dried and cracked. Due to their bentonite content they also shrank in size, creating the cracks inside. As decomposed shells seeped down into the cracks in the mud balls, calcite crystals formed. The outer thin walls of calcite then transformed into aragonite. Some believe the name Septarian came from the Latin word "septem", meaning seven, but actually the name is due to the septarian concretions.  They are concretions containing angular cavities or cracks, which are called "septaria". The word comes from the Latin word septum; "partition", and refers to the cracks/separations in this kind of rock.

Metaphysical properties of Septarian:

In meditation Septarian brings calming and nurturing energies. It can elicit feelings of joy and hope. Septarian can enhance the communication with groups, making it easier to speak clearly and kindly in group settings. A wonderful mineral to use in meditations with Mother Earth. It assists with quieting the conscious mind so that one can better understand the language of nature. Septarian has been used for healing of the blood and kidneys. Septarian is related to the lower chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus.

Septarian is a protective stone, providing both grounding and shielding of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. It is a stone for regulation of spiritual, mental, and physical prowess. It promotes both calming and understanding on the emotional level. Septarian enhances ones sense of well-being. Septarian loves to be held, emanating a loving, kind, and sincere energy pattern. It is said to be a speaking stone and enhances communication on multiple levels.

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Ammonite Metaphysical Properties Highlight

The Ammonite first appeared in the oceans of the Devonian (circa 400 million years ago) and became extinct at the close of the Cretaceous (66 Mya) along with the dinosaurs. 

Historically it is said that the original discus used by the ancient Greeks in their Olympics was in fact a fossilized ammonite. In India, ammonite fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in ceremonies. Many are collected in Nepal, from the bed of the River Gandaki. These fossils are known as "shaligram shila". The word ammonite is derived from Ammon, an Egyptian god who took the form of a ram. Ammonites are similar in appearance to a ram's horn. 

Ammonite and nautiloid fossils have been prized from antiquity for their logarithmic spiral. About the Nautilus Spiral in Sacred Geometry: 

The main feature of the Nautilus is the large snail-like shell that is coiled upwards and lined with mother-of-pearl. The shell is subdivided into as many as 30 chambers. As the shell grows, its body moves forward into the new larger chamber and produces a wall to seal off the older chambers. The empty chambers are used to regulate buoyancy. A cross-section of the shell of the Nautilus will show the cycles of its growth as a series of chambers arranged in a precise Golden Mean spiral. 

The Golden Mean is represented by the Greek letter phi, (with the decimal representation of 1.6180...) is one of those mysterious natural numbers that seems to arise out of the basic structure of our cosmos. Phi appears regularly in the realm of things that grow and unfold in steps just as the Nautilus shell grows larger on each spiral by phi. 

With each revolution completing a cycle of evolution, the Golden Mean Spiral is symbolic of life’s unfolding mysteries. The continuous curves of the spirals, which are feminine in nature, and the ratios between each of the chambers reveal the intimate relationship between the harmonics of nature and Sacred Geometry. 

Sacred Geometry 

Sacred Geometry is a term used to describe the basic building blocks of the universe. This ancient science explores and explains the physical and energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the way that the Universe of creation organizes itself. Every natural pattern of growth or movement conforms inevitably to one or more geometric shapes. From the molecules of our DNA to the galaxy we spiral within, life and it's forms emerge out of geometric codes. 

The earliest known proprietors of Sacred Geometry were the Egyptians who embedded its secrets in the ground plans of their temples, their frescoes and in the Giza pyramid. Although these enlightened people used geometry for terrestrial applications, hence the word 'geo-metry' or 'measure of the earth', the aim was metaphysical in nature. 

Sacred Geometry reflects the universe, its pure forms and the dynamic relationship of our selves to nature -- the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. By studying the Sacred Geometry of one thing we give meaning and structural insight into the workings of the inner self. As the renowned geometer Robert Lawlor observes, "The implicit goal of this education was to enable the mind to become a channel through which the 'earth' (the level of manifested form) could receive the abstract, cosmic life of the heavens. The practice of geometry was an approach to the way in which the universe is ordered and sustained. Geometric diagrams can be contemplated as still moments revealing a continuous, timeless, universal action generally hidden from our sensory perception. Thus a seemingly common mathematical activity can become a discipline for intellectual and spiritual insight. From "Sacred Geometry the Nautilus Shell", for more information you can visit http://2muchfun.info/nautilusshell.html

In Hindu religion they are held sacred as saligram, a reminder of the unfolding of the universe by Lord Vishnu the creator. Its spiral shape symbolizes continual change and evolution. Ammonites have absorbed cosmic energy over eons of time and help to stimulate the life force (Chi)  within. The Ammonite is also put in the home to attract health, prosperity and success. The Ammonite draws off negative energies like a filter, drawing in stagnant energies and moving them through the spirals then releasing them as fresh, positive, loving life force energies. Ammonite is a stone of protection. It provides for insight and it helps to assist one in seeing the ‘entire picture.’ Meditation with the Root Chakra, encourages ones survival instincts and grounding. 

Folk Remedies: Believed to ease birthing pains and bring relaxation. It helps to remind us to keep breathing, due to its circular design. 

Feng Shui: Ammonite is believed by Feng Shui masters to be associated to the scales of the mythical creature "Chi Lin" Therefore, it is said to be a powerful wealth stone and brings prosperity, grandeur and illustrious sons, similar to the potency of the Chi Lin. 

Citrine Lightbrary Quick Reference

Large Natural Congo Citrine Lightbrary Warrior
-Primary Chakra: Solar Plexus, Crown, 
-Astrology: Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo
-Vibration: Number 6
-Dispels Fear & Anxiety
-Attracts Abundance
-Akashic Records
-Elevating Consciousness
-Keeper of Ancient Wisdom
-Spiritual Awakening
-Fortifies Digestive & Urinary Systems

A Lightbrary is a clear Cathedral Quartz Formation. Natural citrine is one of the rarer types of quartz available. Some of the most beautiful and sought-after specimens come from the Congo region, like the one pictured here.

Lightbrary crystals are said to contain information stored in the language of light from the Akashic Records. The smaller points are often referred to as students gathered around the Master Teacher. This configuration helps the meditator's subconscious open to the process of the transition from student to Master. This crystals have been used to overcome fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and other obstacles that hold one from moving forward. They can be a source of strength and courage.  Lightbraries do not give up their information easily, one must be diligent in ones meditation practices and grounded in self-awareness to begin unlocking their wisdom.

If you seek a deep understanding of light energy, and how beings of different spiritual planes interact and coexist in this universe, these crystals may be instrumental on your journey. 

Citrine is one of only two minerals (Kyanite is the other) that never need to be cleared, making it a great tool for transmuting negative energy. Citrine can assist in heightening one’s self-discipline, attracting professional success and wealth. Citrine will help support the energy of a family environment whether you have it at work or at home.

Physically, Citrine can support and enhance healing for the spine, the digestive and elimination organs, and even the metabolism.  Citrine can facilitate detoxification and can even stimulate circulation.  Often used for chronic fatigue, Citrine has a reputation of being able to increase one’s energy and drive.  This property can also help those who are trying to lose weight, by encouraging one to be optimistic about accomplishing their goals.

For more information about the metaphysical properties of citrine use this link: http://instagram.com/p/VswjPvC1A0/?modal=true.

Love & Gratitude Quotes & Images

Love and Gratitude are the greatest gifts we can give and receive. November is a wonderful month to focus on the things we are grateful for. If we are lucky we have family and friends that enrich our lives. It gives us a chance to thank the people that make a difference in our lives. 

Thankfulness opens our hearts, expands our minds and shows us that even the most mundane experiences are filled with wonder.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please enjoy these images and quotes about love and gratitude as my November Gratitude Gift to you. Feel free to use the images to share your love and gratitude with your family and friends. 

"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vtal element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child." Carl Jung

"The language of friendship is not words, but meanings." Henry David Thoreau

"One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind."  
Malayan Proverb

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." C.S. Lewis

"Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls." 
David Thomas

“God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say thank you?”  William Arthur Ward

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." 
Saint Teresa of Calcutta

"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." Grace Pulpit

"Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.” 
Marcus Tullius Cicero

“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” Seneca

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” Anthony Robbins

“And when you crush an apple with your teeth, say to it in your heart:
Your seeds shall live in my body,
And the buds of your tomorrow shall blossom in my heart,
And your fragrance shall be my breath,
And together we shall rejoice through all the seasons.” 
Khalil Gibran

“In normal life we hardly realize how much more we receive than we give, and life cannot be rich without such gratitude. It is so easy to overestimate the importance of our own achievements compared with what we owe to the help of others.” 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”  William Arthur Ward

“The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but the thankful heart will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings.”  Henry Ward Beecher

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” G.K. Chesterton

“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.” Yogi Bhajan

"Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation.” John Ortberg

“They do not love, that do not show their love.” William Shakespeare

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bluebird Totem Quick Reference

Ted Andrews/Animal-Wise 

Keynote: Transformation. Passage into happiness and fertility. 

In an ancient Pima tale, the bluebird is described as having been an ugly color, but then one day it found a sacred lake where no water ever flowed in or out. The bird bathed in it four times every morning for four mornings, singing a sacred song. On that fourth morning, it came out of the river with no feathers at all. When it bathed itself again on the fifth morning, it came out of the sacred lake with its blue feathers. The bluebird became a symbol of transformation through sacred song and sacred acts. 

In the Pueblo tradition, great importance is placed upon rituals and ceremonies honoring the six directions. In the Niman Kachina ceremony, the bluebird represented the southwest direction. The southeast and southwest directions represented the rising and setting of the shortest day; thus the bluebird was a symbol of the setting on the shortest day of the year, the winter solstice. Hence the bluebird is considered a winter bird, but it often indicates that each day that follows wil have greater sunshine. 

The bluebird is also often considered a spring bird, representing the movement out of winter into spring. It is a bird of transition, of passage--from winter to summer, from child to adult, night to day, barrenness to fertility. 

In the north the appearance of the bluebird heralds the coming of spring. Its habitat is one of open fields with scattered trees and is one of the few birds that has benefited by the spread of agriculture, and thus it is often a sign that we will also benefit from the agriculture within our own life. The things we have planted and the seeds we have sown will come to fruition. 

Among the Pueblo, bluebird feathers were used to promote snow and ice, moisture that will bring new growth. Because of this and other similar associations, the bluebird is also related to fertility on all levels. 

The bluebird is a guardian of all passages and transitions that we make or are about to make. We speak often of the bluebird of happiness, and this is rightly so. It makes our movements more fertile, productive, and protected so that we can attain the happiness we need in life. 

When the bluebirds show up, we are about to see a change in the climate. Darkness will soon fade and more sunshine will arrive. Our own fertility in our endeavors will increase, and our passages and movement in all endeavors will be protected. Those things or people who had hindered our endeavors will find themselves bogged down in their own "ice and snow." 

*Animal-Speak/Ted Andrews 
Keynote: Modesty, Unassuming Confidence and Happiness 
Cycle of Power: Winter and Summer (changes of seasons) 

The bluebird is a native of North America. Although once common, they are now quite rare. This often is a reminder that we are born to happiness and fulfillment, but we sometimes get so lost and wrapped up in the everyday events of our lives that our happiness and fulfillment seem rare. When bluebirds show up as a totem, it should first of all remind you to take time to enjoy yourself. 

Bluebirds are part of the thrush family, and you may wish to read about thrushes to learn more of the bluebird. The males are entirely blue, while the females are blue only in the wings. Occasionally there will be some warm reddish tones on the chest as well. Pay attention to the colors and where they are located. This will provide some insight. 

To the Cherokees, blue is the color of the North, while in many magical traditions, it is the color of the East. The edges of many Jewish prayer shawls were often the color of blue. Blue is associated with the throat chakra and creative expression. Blue is symbolic, so ask yourself what blue means to you personally,. 

The idea of the bluebird being symbolic of happiness is fairly recent. The concept has developed more within this century than any other time. As far as I have been able to discover, the bluebird did not play any major role in Indian myths or tales. 

This bird always has a plaintive song and modest, unassuming appearance. Its shoulders are hunched up when perched, giving an impression as if ready to dive. This can be symbolic of a need to work hard and play hard. Are you trying to shoulder too much responsibility? 

To the Pueblo, bluebirds are considered winter birds because they descend to the lowlands with the snow and cold during that season. This transition from winter to summer is dramatic in the area of the western home of the Pueblo. It is a transition from great coldness to summer heat. 

This is symbolic of a passage, a time of movement into another level of being. Specifically, it is connected to the transfomation of a gir into a woman, and thus the bluebird is also sometimes connected to puberty rites. This, of course, has connection to human fertility and a new confidence and happiness in coming into your own. 

Other Pueblo rites revolved around the use of bluebird feathers as prayer sticks. They were considered beneficial for snow and ice, and for bringing the summer rainy season. There are also rites in the Pueblo tradition that tie them to the fertility of the land. 

Bluebirds are gentle and unaggressive. They do not push or bully other birds, but they are very scrappy when threatened. They have been known to put to flight jays and even larger birds. Their homes usually have an entrance facing South, the direction for awakening the inner child. If a bluebird has come into your life, look for opportunities to touch the joyful and intrinsically native aspects of yourself that you may have lost touch with.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Bronzite Quick Reference

Bronzite Keywords: Grounding, Focus, Action, Power, Protection, Self-control, Self-esteem, Transformation, Observation 
Zodiac: Leo

In Meditation:
Bronzite is used to restore harmony and self confidence in overwhelming situations. Assists in objectivity and and with discernment. Helpful in meditation when decisive action is needed. A great aid to help in planning future events from the perspective of our Highest Good.
Inspires us to understand our place of service and how we affect all that is. That is why it is said that this stone inspires politeness, courage, acceptance and help. 
Fortifies the Yang (masculine energy). Useful in working with all chakras, especially with the sacral chakra. Aids in spiritual transformation. Said to protect against I'll wishes and curses. 

In Healing:
Bronzite is used to balance the alkalinity and acidity in the body. It helps in the assimilation of iron and also aids the transition from one cycle of life to another (i.e., puberty, menopause, or alike). It eases the symptoms of aging, helps in cases of skin diseases or allergies. It prevents and eliminates ulcers on the internal organs, strengthens the concentration, and eliminates depression. Also used in healing for ailments related to the solar plexus chakra, assimilation of iron, lessening muscular tension, dispelling restlessness caused by emotional and psycho-physical ailments. 

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Judge Not

When we learn to be more compassionate of others, we learn to be more compassionate of ourselves.

Matthew 7:1-3 (KJV)

7 -1 "Judge not, that ye be not judged."

2 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

3 "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

You can find more information about my Women's Empowerment Organization at:
Website Women's Empowerment: http://www.empowerment.ws/home.html
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EmpowermentWS?ref=hl
Website Kadan Martial Arts: http://kadanmartialarts.com
Poetry Musings Blog: http://speakyourart.blogspot.com

Thank you for honoring the feminine and thank you for visiting. Wishing you peace.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Molybdenite Quick Reference


Chakra: Third eye
Number: 7
Sign: Scorpio
Element: Earth

Molybdenite comes from the Greek word Molybdos, meaning lead.
Mineral Info: It is a very soft metallic mineral. The atomic structure consists of a sheet of molybdenum atoms sandwiched between sheets of sulphur atoms. The Mo-S bonds are strong, but the interaction between the sulfur atoms at the top and bottom of separate sandwich-like tri-layers is weak, resulting in easy slippage as well as cleavage planes. It's soft texture allows it to be used for writing or marking.

Meditation: Known as a "dreamer's stone" may be used under pillow to encourage healing dreams and to help in lucid dreaming. Used in meditation to repair the subtle bodies. Molybdenite can provide flashes of inspiration and is an excellent crystal for stimulating the intellect. It's used to balance and cleanse chakras, meridians, the aura and the subtle bodies. Helps in easing the grip of willfulness or stubbornness, helps to relieve "quick tempered" responses and gives us space to find our calm. Molybdenum is a mineral that brings balance and vitality to life. 

Body: used to help with jaw pain, teeth, circulation, oxygenation, immune system. It's powerful electrical charge, continually recharges and rebalances the body. Molybdenite eliminates mercury toxicity from the body, and harmonizes mercury fillings to a more beneficial vibration.

(There are many different interpretations for the meanings & uses of stones. Here we offer some general info. but encourage you to work/meditate and find your own.)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.


Monday, November 3, 2014

Turkey Totem Quick Reference

Turkey Totem:
Giving of self to benefit the whole- Pride - Abundance - Generosity - Awareness - Virility - Fertility - Sacrifice

Most of us in the USA think of Turkey as beginning synonymous with Thanksgiving dating back to the Piligrim's in 1621. Yet turkeys represented abundance and virility for Native North and Central American Cultures for centuries before our first Thanksgiving.

Native Americans viewed the turkey as a symbol of abundance and fertility. The Creek tribes still practice the turkey dance during their annual fire festival. Turkey feathers are also used in ritual. The Mayans and Toltecs viewed the turkey as a "jeweled bird" and also referred to it as the "Great Xolotl." 

Turkey displays physical signs before bad weather so it became known as a symbol of foresight in Native Cultures. This gift of foresight is an important trait as turkey people are known to be “abundance generator's". Turkey is ready to offer itself to being it the whole because it knows that in giving she is receiving. 

Turkey's power is strongest during Fall so it's important to also look at what Autumn symbolizes:

Change - Cycles - Harvest - Endings - Beginnings - Preparation - Rebirth 

Tarot Marseilles: Death - a time for plowing the fields under, for plants and animals to begin their slumber. A clearing of a space so that rebirth may take place...

(Condensed highlights from volumes of info about animal totem characteristics. Hope you'll investigate further on your own)

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you Peace today and everyday.